…he is in my very small go-to list of designers I’ll first seek the availability of before looking elsewhere for future project design demands.

Darryl Leckenby, Freelance & Contract Developer at CrowdSciences

I’d happily recommend him to clients without any hesitation, he works quickly, does not sway under pressure and if you’ve not already seen it – his portfolio speaks for itself.

Darryl Leckenby, Freelance & Contract Developer at CrowdSciences

With a depth of experience and distinctive style, Matt is happy to assume any level of responsibility and creatively he ‘comes up with the goods’ on demand.

With a depth of experience and distinctive style, Matt is happy to assume any level of responsibility and creatively he ‘comes up with the goods’ on demand.

…when you need exceptional design understanding for well refined high-end design work from a very creative designer who knows his design craft.

Darryl Leckenby, Freelance & Contract Developer at CrowdSciences

Matt is a top-draw Designer and Art Director that makes a great step-in addition to our team whenever we call upon his services.

He goes out of his way to ensure the final article sees the iterations it needs for his clients to be happy, even at his own expense of putting in extra time when he knows the clients budget won’t cover extra work.

Darryl Leckenby, Freelance & Contract Developer at CrowdSciences


Matthew le Maistre Smith [aka Joined Up Thinking] is an award winning designer.

I create, design and deliver creative services to both large & multi-national companies,  advertising & design agencies through to and equally important SMEs, individuals & new start ups.

I deliver consistent innovation at the highest level and I design so that whoever I design for I’ll position you, your product, service, app, website or company correctly and with a design and strategic logic to last you for many years.

Having been lucky enough to work around the world for many years, I also have a network of experts in their field, be it photographers, copywriters, other brand experts, developers and print experts, etc. So, should a project require extra human resources, I’m well placed to pull in whatever is needed to get the job done. If you wanted a photoshoot (for instance) done in Singapore, London or Miami (all of which I’ve done in the past) – I’ll deliver both for you and your client.

That is the USP of Joined up Thinking: Great design – fully thought through – that will stand the test of time.